Hel Rabelo

Hey, I'm Hel Rabelo 👋

Front end Developer based in Fortaleza, Brazil.

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My latest projects

TCG Trends

  • React
  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • GraphQL
  • Styled Components

A platform that consolidates informations about Pokémon Trading Card Game. Has many informations about quality of cards, last prices for transactions and card stats.

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Timescale Docs

  • React
  • Gatsby
  • Prism
  • Custom Hooks
  • Markdown
  • Algolia
  • Context API

Documentation for Timescale Products. A website that compiles the public documentations from Git submodules and organizes them all together with a sires of custom features as Algolia search and lots of UX tweaks.

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Daissen App

  • React Native
  • Strapi
  • Custom Hooks
  • Markdown
  • Context API

Volunteer work for Brazillian Buddhist community Zen Daissen.

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  • React Native
  • Google Ads Platform
  • TypeScript
  • Styled Components

Video streaming platform that has both video on demand as well as live channels for free.

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Meu Tudo

  • React
  • Nextjs
  • Styled Components
  • Custom Hooks
  • Markdown
  • Context API

Website and blog for a fintech from Brazil.

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Real Seguro Viagem

  • React
  • Redux
  • Svelte
  • Sapper
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Jekyll

Real is a market place for travel insurance products. Their website is very focused on a great UX as well as modern HTML5 and SEO practices.

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© Hel Rabelo 2021

Built with NextJS & ☕️